12 Jan New Website, New Headshot, New Year Goals Going Great
I gave my website an extreme makeover this week, and I love the final result! This is El-Be’s third official website, and man, I’m super proud of how far I’ve come since I started this little business in 2010. Huge check on my 2013 to-do list!
When I first built my website I struggled with exactly what to share. After almost three years and nearly 50 clients, I struggled this time more with what not to share. I’ve been so fortunate to have amazing clients through the years, and the goal of my new site is to show off all of these fine folks.
I also finally have a responsive website. I’ve been building sites responsive for clients for the last year, so it was completely embarrassing to still have my old website up when it was such an important feature for each of my clients’ sites.
To continue with my personal horn-tooting regarding completing 2013 goals, I’m also proud to have a much more professional headshot. Yes, a few of my Instagram friends enjoyed making choice comments about it, but I’m proud to have a photo that captures the direction I want to go with my business as opposed to a Hipstamatic photo that captures NYE 2010.
I’ve had a couple of exciting new client meetings this week, and I can’t wait to (hopefully) add some of these logos to my portfolio. Thanks for making the first two years of El-Be Social Marketing awesome, and I’m pumped for what the rest of the year holds.