24 Feb Dames Bond, The SBB and a Whole Lotta Networking
February was a busy month for me when it came to professional organizations and getting myself out in front of Columbus businesses. And while it was exhausting in some ways, it was a great experience for me to join more organizations around this new and wonderful city of mine.
I joined Dames Bond, a local organization that proudly trumpets that, “When Dames Bond, Dames Thrive!”. (We all yelled it several times at the last event.) You can check out my profile at Dames Bond as well as many other businesses who are dedicated to helping women in business.
I also was accepted as a member of The SBB, or The Small Business Beanstalk, as one of their Business Services members. The Small Business Beanstalk is one of the organizations that I found even before I moved to Columbus, as it proudly promotes all things central Ohio. Even from Chicago I was discovering great local businesses just by liking The SBB on Facebook.
I’m also a member of WELD, Women for Economic and Leadership Development, as well as the Grandview Chamber of Commerce. This gal’s dance card is getting pretty filled with breakfast networking and business lunches these days!
As I’m nearing my second year in being in business for myself, I can say that I have learned A TON, sometimes through hard lessons. One of my largest goals for 2012 is practicing what I preach and taking the time to market myself as much as I do my clients. I’ve learned that the best way to get more business is by building genuine relationships with others, and organizations such as these that are all over Columbus are built for the purpose of helping new businesses such as mine. It’s amazing how handing off a business card to someone at an event can morph into a phone call months later that begins something like, “My brother’s wife mentioned she met you at an event a few months ago, and I think you can help me…”