FINALLY I updated my website today. And continue to do so, as evidenced by this blog post. What a streak I'm on today! At any rate, I added a bunch of new clients to my portfolio today. I am embarrassed by how woefully out of date...

For about the last seven months I've been obsessed with Pinterest, but almost entirely for personal use. (Go ahead, see what I'm into.) While I've added a Pin It button to a few clients' websites, I've struggled with the idea of creating an actual brand...

Since I've moved to Columbus I've been most amazed by the desire that everyone seems to have to make this city great. It sounds cheesy, but everyone really seems to pull together to help each other. I've been bombarded with new connections on LinkedIn and...

So, every day I preach to my clients how important it is to keep their websites updated, their Facebook information accurate and fresh and their blog new. I explain the importance of updating fans and potential clients, and for a handful of them, I write...

So I'm currently in the middle of what has likely (at least visually from a design perspective) been the most complicated website I've done so far, and I've definitely learned a lot working on this one. But, probably the most fun part of what I've...

We've signed a lease, I've started working with a few clients in Ohio and we've got someone taking over our apartment in Chicago. We are officially moving to Columbus in a few weeks! It's been a busy month trying to wrap up Chicago clients while...

After fooling around with the sound levels and figuring out exactly how to edit slides in the most efficient way, I think I officially understand (and love) Adobe Captivate. My client needs to use a whole lot of screen captures to demonstrate exactly how to...

[caption id="attachment_110" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="SUCCESS!"][/caption] After a whole lot of trial and error, I can officially confirm that I've overtaken the beast that has been Campaign Monitor. It's a fantastic email program, especially when you want to design templates for your clients so that they can...